John 6:5_13

In the crowd of 20,000 people (Jesus feeding 5,000 people) being that women and children were not mentioned,assuming that 20,000 was the number in the crowd, there were many folks who had food items or money with them but they didn’t give to Jesus to share with the crowd even after He had preached to them for three days without food.

Patently, in the midst of at least a group of 10 people, you must find one who is positioned in a better place than others.
This means that a part from the boy who had fish and bread,there were more people who had something that they could have given Jesus to share with the crowd but they didn’t.

But why do you think they could do that?
Why do you think they couldn’t give Jesus what they had to share with the hungry crowd?

This probably would be because they didn’t trust Jesus that after they had given our their food, He would share with the crowd.
Do we really have to doubt that they didn’t trust Jesus? The answer is NO. If you read through the Bible, many people, including those who were close to Jesus, doubted Him in almost everything He did, so them doubting Him with their food was not an issue to them.

Even though after preaching well and performing numerous miracles in their midst, they still didn’t trust Him with their resources…(Will explore further into details to remain focused in the midst of mistrust)

There are people God has put in our circles and in the crowd to be like the little boy who gave the fish and bread to Jesus for the crowd. These people have remained silent for long, not because they don’t have but because they don’t trust us with their resources. They actually don’t believe that if they give us, we will feed the crowd who genuinely need this food
There are those who are also meant to bless, but because they haven’t located us,they haven’t known that we can share with the crowd.

NB// Feeding the crowd doesn’t literally means feeding people the solid food. It has so many meanings.

But remember this today, God has identified one person in the crowd, one big organisation in the many organisations that carries your trust and will ensure that the crowd is fed to their satisfaction.

To those who have few who trust them with their resources, remain true to your words and generosity, and feed the crowd as the owner of resources trusts that you should.
Remember, blessings of God are not just for us,they flow through us from our father (God) for others to be blessed.

For those who have trusted us with their resources and have been sharing with us their resources to touch and transform lives, we say a big thank you and our prayers are always with you.

If you too want to carry our trust and help in transforming and empowering the lives of less privileged and poor families, please feel free to inbox us so that we can change lives together.

Please conside supporting us so that we can fund our projects and programmes.

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